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    Vladimir Megre Broadcast 12/31/2020

    Question: Can you tell us if there will be new books? V. Megre: Yes, there will be new books. I want to write them, but my nature is such that everything captivates me. The events of today are so fascinating. I have began to write a book about the events that took...

    Question: Can you tell us if there will be new books?

    V. Megre: Yes, there will be new books. I want to write them, but my nature is such that everything captivates me. The events of today are so fascinating. I have began to write a book about the events that took place with knyaz Svyatoslav (transl. Knyaz  is a historical Slavic title as duke or count), about the events that took place in Ancient Russia. How he defended Russia, how he fell in love. How he and his friend went to a very old sorcerer to understand how you can attract a woman’s love. The girl with whom he fell in love did not perceive him, and even, to some extent, at first hated him, because for the first time he saw her swimming naked, and when she came out of the water, but he did not turn away. And she didn’t scream there, didn’t gasp, but just walked at him naked. He was somewhat numb, and she walked by him, one meter away from him, and walked as if he did not exist. She left, and he stood for a long time, thinking what had happened. And then this girl did not leave his head, he loved her all his life. At the end of his life, if we talk about knyaz Svyatoslav, as the story goes, he died saving his army. He went with a small detachment, was ambushed, he knew about this ambush, but he deliberately distracted the enemy army so that they attacked him. And he died there – so it is written in history.

    In fact, he did not die. The ancient vedruses had such a concept – during the period of death, a person thinks about something beautiful, thinks where he will be in the future. Suppose a person dies and thinks that “this sore, everything hurts”, another thinks that “who will get my wealth” and so on – he dies, his soul will be tormented. And if a person, dying, as if falling asleep, thinks that “I should have made a little more pond”, or “I planted a cherry tree close to the apple tree”, – and he is in his Kin Domain and is reborn, reincarnated in his estate.

    Knyaz Svyatoslav with his friend (he was in the boat with a friend), and the friend says to him: “You should think about her.” He built her a house, made a Kin Domain for her, he did not want to do fighting, his mother forced him. He loved her very much. When he talked to the sorcerer, he says to him: “What does it mean to attract a woman? You build a house for her, plant a garden. All women, all animals, all birds want to build their nest. Here you are and tell her that this is her nest.” Build everything so that she really likes it.”

    He built it all up. He had a small squad then, he was still a young man, he was 17 years old. His soldiers laid down their weapons, took axes and with great pleasure built a terem (old Slavic house type of a house) for him, planted a garden. There, in turn, people grazed their animals – cows, sheep, etc. Once it happened that he was paired with this girl to graze, and when they were going back home, he tried to do everything well, asked her to come to him.

    She agreed, entered the Domain he built, looked at everything and said to him: “For whom did you build this terem?
    He replies: “I built this for my beloved girl. And the beloved girl is you.”
    She went to the exit from the yard, then turned and said: “I don’t like your terem.”
    He: “Why?”
    And he and his team built the best terem in this village.
    She says: “How do you imagine small children can go down these steps?”
    And the steps were designed for the Knyaz, of course, they did not take into account that there could be children in the house. And she left.
    He stood confused, then went to this sorcerer with his friend and said: “Well, why didn’t you tell us?”
    The sorcerer says: “Everything turned out great!”
    He: “What’s great? She’s gone.”
    The sorcerer says: “So she imagined her children! And it will be inconvenient for them to go down. This is the main thing that she imagined.”

    Nevertheless, she did not show it, although, of course, she had already forgiven him for the incident by the river. When he was ambushed and died, a friend tried to persuade him: “You remember her.” But he could not, more than ten years have passed, he has all sorts of battles in his head, everything is messed up. And suddenly he sees that two girls are galloping along the shore on a horse. One of these girls was his, the one he had loved all his life. He forgot everything, and began to think only of her.

    Anastasia says that if one could see the invisible human soul, then people would see how Knyaz Svyatoslav sits on the horse of this girl with her.

    So, when I see these pictures, they attract me, warm me, because there is a lot that can be taken for today – how they treated a woman, how they built their relationships in their settlement. Previously, after all, all of Russia consisted of such settlements, which we are now reviving. So briefly about this, so I want to write about Ancient Russia.

    Presenter: Thank you very much for telling and sharing it.
    Question: When, who last saw Anastasia? How does she live now? Do you see her and the children? Have you seen your grandfather lately?

    V. Megre: You know, I have such a concept, it appeared 20 years ago – what does it mean to see each other? There are people who hold onto the skirt of their beloved woman and say: “Oh, how good you are, I love you.” And their apartment is not very good, and the air outside the window is getting dirtier and dirtier, and bottled water is sold in stores. And he keeps holding on to the skirt and says: “Oh, how good you are, oh, I love you so much.” I do not like this man’s behavior. If you love a woman, then make the air cleaner, the water, and the world into which the children born of this woman could be happier. If for this you need to leave, then you can go. Therefore, I have not seen Anastasia on the physical plane, as some may imagine, for some time. But I feel her every day. She lives in my heart and lives next to me. I feel that her soul seems to be floating above the ground. And it seems to me that she is doing everything in this world now.

    The book contains how she lay down on the grass, spread her arms and dreamed about the beautt, that I would write a book, that everything would be fine in Russia, and people would be called, and so on, you can read this. It shows us that a person can do a lot with his thought. And then I say that I am not a writer, I will not write a book, such as you say, that these sounds of the people who will be in the book will call. It was fantastic, fabulous, for me at the time it was absolutely unreal. But that’s how it happened, as she said. And she said that THEY accepted her dream, and THEY would arrange the circumstances in such a way that you would write a book. And so it happened.

    And who are THEY? These are mysterious THEY. For the first time she said that THEY are good. Then, over time, she began to explain that these are entities that are in the universe. Remember – “imagine the beginning, there was no Earth yet, there was still the Universe” – and so on, and there were some entities that shone for themselves within themselves. And there was no communication. Entities are energies, different energies. These energies are also in space, in the Universe, and they are also in man, because the Creator (in the book “Creation”, who read, knows) invited them all to participate in the creation of man, and they entered a person, energy: the energy of love, the energy of hatred, the energy of fear, and so on. THEY are everywhere, these energies are everywhere, they are intelligent.

    Now, what is happening, I see it as a very reasonable action, I mean the coronavirus. After all, what is it doing? He says: “You cannot pollute the water, you cannot pollute the air, such a way of life as you live is unacceptable.” But after all, we all knew for a long time that it is impossible to treat women the way we do, it is already clear what sex really is. We knew this, but did nothing. The situation in the world, the ecology is getting worse and worse, is already critical.

    Suddenly the invisible energy says: “Sit at home.” And people are forced to wear masks when they go out somewhere, and, basically, stay at home, with the exception of those people who are in the Kin Domains. You will say: “They are in the Kin Domains, you also cannot go to the city.” And they are not drawn there, their life in general is in the Kin Domain. This does not mean that they are isolated – they communicate significantly more than many people living in apartments. They communicate with the same like-minded people who live in different cities and even abroad. You can see it on the site, now you can see it on Instagram, people from different cities, and they are like-minded people.

    Presenter: That’s for sure! There are congratulations here even from Greece, Turkey! You said that correctly.

    V. Megre: Yes! And I want to convey my congratulations to my American friends. You probably remember that they came to Rodnoe, Janet showed there how you can cook food. They are very interesting people. They were here in this house, where I am now, Janet goes out, and pick some herbs there and make such a magnificent table!

    There is no isolation like there is in an apartment.

    Gabriel Miguel

    Settlement: Behind the Trees

    Location: Russia, Republic of Karelia,