• About
    • About the Platform

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    • Explanations

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    • Settlement Founder's Group

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  • Directory

    Settlement Founder’s Group

    A private group for the founders of established settlements.

    A focused, intentional community of Founders

    The Kin’s Domain Settlement Directory was created to give visibility to all of the Kin’s Domain Settlements across the world, specifically outside of Russia, to help people learn about them and eventually join.

    We want to see a world that is full of flourishing Kin’s Domains, and happy families living in their Spaces of Love. To help facilitate this, it is necessary to connect existing Settlements with those who are interested in joining. Outside of the Russian-speaking countries, there has not been a platform specifically built for listing Settlements – this is the first.

    Paintings across this site are by our great friend Kumar Alzhanov. We've made many of his paintings available as prints on the Anastasia Market.

    Additional Goals of the Platform

    1. Provide an easy to use platform for the submission and management of Settlement listings by users.

    2. Make the platform modern and engaging, and enjoyable to use.

    3. Collect standardized data for each Settlement, allowing for more complete and useful listing entries, and also detailed tracking and statistics on the international Kin’s Domain Settlement movement over time.

    4. Make it easy for interested people to contact Settlements and interact with them.

    5. Solve the issues of old and outdated data on other directory sites, by creating a platform where it’s easy to manage/update your listing over time.

    6. Provide a way for Settlements to get visibility and interest, as many of them do not/will not have websites of their own, or are not particularly good at promoting themselves. All Settlements on the platform will have a nicely designed web page, for free, that many readers of the Ringing Cedars of Russia books will see.

    7. Track the most accurate number of active Kin’s Domain Settlements in the world as possible.

    Your support of our work is deeply appreciated.

    We offer as many programs, events, online platforms, and content for free as we possibly can. We are a volunteer-run organization. Our team is full of passionate Ringing Cedars of Russia readers who want to see flourishing Kin’s Domains and happy families across the planet. If you appreciate our work, please consider supporting us financially.


    Gabriel Miguel

    Founder & Executive Director, Anastasia Foundation
    Creator of the Kin's Domain Settlement Directory

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